Bourjois Party Member Profile(in English)
English is the most beautiful language of this world.
I have to introduce our member of bourjois party by

code name 001 'Elder Brother'

He is the oldest member in our party.This is reason of his name
'Elder Brother'.
His job is con man.
He get a hundred thousand yens at one hour speech.

code name 002 'Teacher Naito'

Second oldest member in our party.
He is called'Teacher',but he is not teacher or doctor or lawyer.
Why we call him 'Teacher'?
No one knows this reason.
The TATAMI(straw mat)of his room is farm of mushroom.

code name 003 'Sys ope'

The master of this web site.
Most nice guy in the universe.He looks like 'Gamon kawai',who is
one of the most populer actor in japan.

code name 004 'Manager of Otsu branch'

His range of the defense is Shiga Prefecture.
BIWAKO(The biggest Lake in Japan) can be commanded from the
window of the Otsu branch. He observes always movements of the
Shiga prefecture .
His maximum enemy is a sea bream. However, there seem to be
quite a lot of enemies except the maximum.


Continues to Next Member...



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